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Why this when i used the this api

I got but i send every thing valid
“status”: “error”,
“message”: “Parameters validation error!”,
“code”: 500000,
“data”: {
“detail”: [
“The ‘fileIds[0]’ field fails to match the required pattern.”

The request should be like this:

curl --location 'https://apix.sg.amity.co/api/v3/user-feeds/15?sortBy=lastCreated&options%5Blimit%5D=10' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx'

We couldn’t find the fileIds parameter in our API documentation for this endpoint. Where did you get the fileIds value from? To further check on this, please help share your full cURLs to our support email: support.asc@amity.co, thank you.

I didn’t pass already the filedIds so why this occured?

Please review your code/request or provide us the full cURLs via the support email, from here we should be able to identify the issue. Thank you.