After adding the SDK, an error occurred during building

wrong tips:
There is no XCFramework found at ‘project/ASC-UIKit-iOS-OpenSource/UpstraUIKit/Shared/AmitySDK.xcframework’.

how to fix it?

the issue has occurred after adding AmitySDF.framework on target

If I remove AmitySDK.xcframework from the target settings and only add AmityUIKit.framework and SharedFrameworks, a new error will occur after building:

How do I correctly add the SDK and make it run successfully on the Target?

Same issue as SampleApp.project

@SocialPlus_Support is there any updates?

@mrkinpa Let me pass this to our team for checking, and I’ll get back to you.

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@mrkinpa Based on the team’s review, we recommend that you clone the project again. Please try resolving the package and restarting Xcode. For further guidance, please refer to this link: Amity Social Cloud UIKit iOS OpenSource

Thank you, I downloaded the SDK from the URL you provided and successfully ran it. The output is:
-- ** AmitySDK Version: 6.28.0 Build: 1 ** --

I entered my API KEY in the SampleApp, but it failed to run successfully:
Authentication token missing. To register a session in a secured network, you must provide a valid authentication token.

I see that the auth token in the demo is successfully obtained. I tried the following code but it did not solve the problem:

Task {
    do {
        let auth = try await shared.userTokenManager.createUserToken(
            userId: userId,
            displayName: nil,
            authToken: nil
        print("AmitySDK:auth.accessToken: \(auth.accessToken)")
        try await shared.client.login(userId: userId, displayName: loginInfo.nickName, authToken: auth.accessToken, sessionHandler: SampleSessionHandler())
        print("AmitySDK:Login successful")
        completion(true, nil)
    } catch {
        completion(false, error)
        print("AmitySDK:setupAmitySDK fail: \(error.localizedDescription)")

It always goes to the catch block.

Please assist me in successfully connecting the demo.

Hello, please make sure to use the correct API key and specify the appropriate region. You can verify this on your integrations page in the console.