Amity Android SDK uses libraries internally, which get sucked into our project as a transitive dependency. In our project we already removed all libraries in favor of newer androidx libraries, allowing us to speed up our build times by disabling jettify build step. Adding the Amity SDK will force us to enable jettifyier, thus increasing build times. I ran a quick test on my machine and observed 40% build time increase when adding Amity SDK (from 3m 12sec to 4min 37sec for a clean build)
Hi Martin,
We are currently doing some research on this and will get back to you soon!
Hi Martin,
We are currently use AndroidX as the fundamental component in our development. However, our third-party dependencies are still using Android Support Library.
We removed from our ASC SDK already, will include the change in the upcoming release.
Here’s the report from a tool that we’re using.
Project amity-api
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-callbacks
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-push-baidu
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-push-fcm
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-sdk
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-socket
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-stream-api
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-test-kit
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-ui
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-video-player
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project amity-video-publisher
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project core-android
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project core-push
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Project sdk-versioning
No dependencies on old artifacts! Safe to drop Jetifier.
Hey @Trust , we just had a short meeting discussing timelines. Great you already tackled that! Do you already have visibility on when you will do the upcoming release? Is it realistic that this will happen within the next 2 weeks?
Hi @Markus, Yes, the code is already merged and we scheduled to release the next version by the end of next week.
Thanks @Trust perfect
Hey @Trust. Has the new version of Amity SDK been released already? Which version number should I use? Thanks in advance
Good afternoon @Alexey.
We do apologize for the delay release. We’re still in the testing stage of the release.
However, we will try to release the new version by the end of this week.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you for the info @Trust. Please let us know when the new version is released