Can we use p8 file instead of p12 for push notifications in IOS UI KIT

hi, can you please tell us that we can use p8 file instead of p12 for push notifications in IOS UI KIT?
Actually currently in our app all push notifications are based on p8 file.

Hello, as per our push notification guidelines, we only accept p12 certificates.

For detailed information, please visit our documentation on setting up iOS push notifications: iOS Push Notification Certificate Setup | Amity Docs.

Alternatively, you have the option to utilize our webhook events for integration with your push notification system. For more on this, see: Push Notifications | Amity Docs.

hello, as you suggest we are tying to get PUSH NOTIFICATIONS using webhook but on console we are getting error of Feature is Not Enabled.

please check screen shot below:

According to our documentation, enabling webhooks is necessary as outlined here: If your webhooks haven’t been activated yet, please reach out to our support team by submitting a request at Jira Service Management and select “Feature Enablement.”

Hi, as you suggest we are tying to get PUSH NOTIFICATIONS using webhook and and also we are getting data on our webhook handle,
now the query is on the “event”:“message.didCreate” we are trying to send a push notification to receiver,
but in data there is no receiver user id, we are getting only sender user id,
can you please tell how receiver user id will come on webhook data.

@vibhorMaheshwari I’m going to double-check this with my team and will touch base with you soon.

Hello, please use this event instead: push-notification.created - the receiver userid should be in targetIds.