we have integrated Amity swift uikit , we tried to manage session but finding issue
and already import AmitySDK, import AmityUIKit, i tried your sample app in which it is working , and SessionHandler finds in AmitySDK, in our app AmitySDK , we don’t find it.
@SocialPlus_Support We have tried this code but We could not find class SessionHandler class in AmitySDK and showing error “Cannot find type ‘SessionHandler’ in scope” , while your sample app Amity SDK has this class.
Hello @Raj , After reviewing with our team, we advise you that SwiftUI has been deprecated. Therefore, we recommend using our UIKit as an alternative. Please check the documentation at this link: Amity UIKit iOS Installation Guide.
@SocialPlus_Support thanks, installation is done as you suggested , we have created channels (public community), channels joining is working, but UIKit is not showing channels list, we use this code
let chatHomePageVC = AmityChatHomePageViewController.make()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(chatHomePageVC, animated: true)