Doesn't support sending custom message with json that contains array of objects

I want to send a custom message with this JSON:

       "text":"Hello world!",
                "text":"Option 1",
                "text":"Option 2",
                "text":"Option 3",
                "text":"Option 4",

After creating a custom message by

let message = messagesRepository.createCustomMessage(
     withChannelId: self.channelId,
     data: data

So we will never retrieve our data in JSON again, it’s gone completely or it cannot be parsed inside EkoChat. is always null


We tried sending 2 custom messages

//  Smart-Reply Message
    "channelId": "test-channel-ios",
    "type": "custom",
    "data": {
        "text": "Hello world!",
        "type": "smart_reply",
        "data": {
            "from": "bot",
            "options": [
                    "text": "โปรโมชั่น",
                    "action": "text_reply"
                    "text": "คำถามที่พบบ่อย",
                    "action": "text_reply"
                    "text": "ซื้อสินค้า",
                    "action": "text_reply"
                    "text": "แชทกับผู้ช่วยของเรา",
                    "action": "text_reply"
// Quick-Reply Message
    "channelId": "test-channel-ios",
    "type": "custom",
    "data": {
        "from_fixed_menu": false,
        "action": "text_reply",
        "text": "โปรโมชั่น"

The results were as follows:

As you can see the screenshot, the is missing in the top custom message.

Hi @Joseph @su.t ,

Thank you for reporting the issue. We are working on it and the fix will be available in next update.

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