Flutter Communities Not Working

Hi, I deleted some communities from the web portal, however these communities still show on the Flutter mobile app. How can we resolve this?

Also, notifications are not working. How can I invite new users to the communities that in the app?

Hello, you can filter out the deleted communities by using this: .includeDeleted(false)

Docs: Query Communities | Amity Docs

Notifications are not working: Please ensure to follow the document here for both Android and iOS checklist.

Android docs: Android Push Notifications Initialization | Amity Docs
iOS docs: iOS Push Notification Certificate Setup | Amity Docs
iOS checklist: Technical FAQ | Amity Docs
Flutter docs: Register and Unregister Push Notifications on a Device | Amity Docs

We currently do not offer invitation feature, but you can see the available workaround here: Technical FAQ | Amity Docs