I’m creating a admin portal inside our web app. I got the admin access token from the amity console. But I’m not able to get the All the channels and member details from the channel using API.
Please suggest me a real-time example for this because we are already delayed on our process. Please don’t share any documentation I’ve gone through that already. Thanks.
Hey I’ve figured out a solution. I’m getting a all the channels and members using API. But I’m stuck at sending the message to the channel I’m getting the parameter validation error.
"status": "error",
"message": "Parameters validation error!",
"code": 500000,
"data": {
"detail": [
"The 'messageFeedId' field is required.",
"The 'referenceId' field is required.",
"The 'dataType' field is required."
I don’t understand what is messageFeedId and referenceId. Where can I get this id’s?
You can find
in this case referenceID is the channelID (Parent Id that you want to create the data into)
Amity Support
@SocialPlus_Support I’m using the post API to send the message through admin login, but I’m getting Parameters validation error even though my payloads are correct.
"channelId": "1209general",
"type": "text",
"data": {
"caption": "string"
"tags": [],
"parentId": "1209general"