IOS UIKit is not showing public community joined channels in recent messages list.
we are using this code:
let chatHomePageVC = AmityChatHomePageViewController.make()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(chatHomePageVC, animated: true)
Has the user successfully joined? Could you please also provide a screenshot so that we can better understand which screen you are referring to?
Yes, channel are successfully joined, and also we have broadcast some test messages to some joined groups form Amity Console. This is how home screen is looks like:
Hello, after the team has reviewed, you can adjust the code to display other channel types.
private extension AmityRecentChatScreenViewModel {
func getChannelList() {
switch channelType {
case .community:
let query = AmityChannelQuery()
query.types = []
query.filter = .userIsMember
query.includeDeleted = false
channelsCollection = channelRepository.getChannels(with: query)
case .conversation:
let query = AmityChannelQuery()
query.types = [AmityChannelQueryType.conversation,]]
query.includeDeleted = false
channelsCollection = channelRepository.getChannels(with: query)
channelsToken = channelsCollection?.observe { [weak self] (collection, change, error) in
Please let us know if you have other questions.
This is already in amity UIkit code,
if this code need to add in our code, then can you please tell us where it need to keep?
Yes, it’s UIKit code, and it’s customizable. Please review your code and ensure that it aligns with the code we provided, especially line 234.