Is there a Development Mode & LIVE Mode option on Amity?

Just like on Stripe, is there a feature to toggle Development Mode such that all the testing operations can be carried out on Development Mode with it’s own separate instance, and then actual operations run on the LIVE environment ?

Hi @webo ,

Unfortunately there isn’t with methods mentioned, but you can create 2 Amity portal applications to achieve this.

Thank you,
Amity Support

What are Portal Applications? Could you please direct me to the Link which guides through the process ?

Hey @webo,

Head over to Portal, once signed in.
Look for My Applications on the top of the menu item.

scrnli_6_1_2023_11-43-38 AM

You’ll notice the Create Application button on the top right corner of the screen

scrnli_6_1_2023_11-43-30 AM

Feel free to to reach out for further question.

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