I’ve implemented the AmitySDK framework in my app. Sending messages was working without a hitch, but then it randomly started crashing due to Realm while sending message.
What I’ve done so far:
- Clean-built the project
- Reinstalled the app
- Restarted simulator
- Installed on other simulators
I’ve done all of the above, and yet the app still crashes while sending a message.
This is the code I wrote for logging in:
func login() async -> Bool {
let userID = "user_testing"
let displayName = "USER TESTING"
var success = false
do {
guard let _ = self.client else { return false }
try await self.client!.login(userId: userID, displayName: displayName, authToken: nil, sessionHandler: MySessionHandler())
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.userNotificationToken = self.client?.user?.observeOnce({ user, error in
self.user = user.snapshot
if user.snapshot?.avatarFileId == nil {
//Updating profile pictuer of user
if usernames.contains(userID) && user.snapshot?.metadata?["userType"] == nil {
//Update metadata of user
success = true
return success
} catch {
success = false
return success
This one for sending message:
func sendTextMessage(_ message: String, mentionRanges: [AmityMention], in subchannel: String) async {
var tags: [String] = []
if let userInfo = self.user?.metadata?["userType"] as? String {
//Adding particular tags here
} else {
//Adding some other tags
let mentionMetadata = AmityMentionMapper.metadata(from: mentionRanges)
var mentionees: AmityMentioneesBuilder?
if !mentionRanges.isEmpty {
mentionees = AmityMentioneesBuilder()
mentionees?.mentionUsers(userIds: mentionRanges.compactMap({ $0.userId }))
var mergedMetadata = mentionMetadata
if let userMetadata = self.user?.metadata {
mergedMetadata = mergedMetadata.merging(userMetadata, uniquingKeysWith: { $1 })
let textMessageCreationOptions = AmityTextMessageCreateOptions(subChannelId: subchannel, text: message, tags: tags, metadata: mergedMetadata, mentioneesBuilder: mentionees)
do {
let message = try await self.messageRepository?.createTextMessage(options: textMessageCreationOptions)
} catch {
print("Unable to send text message. Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
If it helps, this is where it crashes:
Realm → Query → func build(_ node: QueryNode, prefix: String? = nil, isNewNode: Bool = false)
This function calls recursively and crashes here:
In the Debug Navigator, I tried to go back step by step in the stacktace to investigate which field was causing this. The issue started from appendKeyPath(_:options:)
method in the Query struct.
Apparently whenever I send a message, the SDK does something with Realm and always messes up with messageFeedId
field from _ASCMessageRealmModel
Please let me know where I went wrong.