Recent post should show in top of the new feed page. its showing as last post now how to change recent post in top of the feed page.
Hi @ManiSabarish Are you referring to global feed?
Hi Team, i am calling this class
let myViewController: AmityCommunityHomePageViewController? = AmityCommunityHomePageViewController.make()
let myNavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: myViewController!)
myNavigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
self.present(myNavigationController, animated: true) {
Hi Team, yes i am referring global feed only.
@ManiSabarish Can you please share with us screenshots as well?
Hi @ManiSabarish Can you search this keyword in your Xcode project? “sortBy”, the value should be like this sortBy: .lastCreated in “AmityFeedRepositoryManager”
Hi Team its going to global feed but there is not sortBy. please check and help me here i have attached screen shot also
@ManiSabarish The team will do further check on this, can you please send us your apikey and app region to this email ?