Story Implementation Web React SDK

Is there a way to successfully implement the story feature on the V4 Web TS SDK? I’ve followed the docs but it seems like there is a lot of information that is missing to get this up and running. Any suggestions/tips?

Hello @hectorcym , To assist you with implementing the story feature on the V4 Web TS SDK, please provide the following details:

  1. SDK Version – Which version are you using?
  2. Errors – Are there any error messages, or is the feature not working as expected?
  3. Code Snippet – A brief example of your current implementation.
  4. Expected vs. Actual Behavior – What should happen vs. what is happening?
  5. Screenshots/Recordings – If possible, visual references would help diagnose the issue.

With this information, I can provide more precise guidance. Let me know how you’d like to proceed.