UI Figma OR Any tool

can you please provide ui design file for the social kit in figma or photoshop so we can create it in vue

Hi @mohamedismael This is the latest one we have, pls refer to this link [WEB] Amity-UIKit .zip - Google Drive

However, our SDK supports way more than the UIKIT. You can also find more UI in our tutorial Global Feed | Amity Social Cloud components - Amity , although, it’s a mobile design but it has very similar functions and segments to web.

Hi Guys, the UIkit zip file is all PNG files and it doesn’t include all the pages. We need to integrate quickly as we have a huge influx of users around 50K in few weeks and having our community up and running by that time is crucial. We need your support in providing XD files or Figma files for all the social kit. We can’t use the SDK or UI kit since we are using Vue JS and the UI kit is only for native and React.

Hi @Happyhuman Please see the Figma file here https://www.figma.com/file/zmsSotmxKYu7AAbGPCQF3m/[WEB]-UIKit-Master-v.1.6.0-(Copy)?node-id=0%3A1&t=qm9m3VIRB6zR02Nh-1

Thanks a lot for sharing this. can you please also share the mobile version IOS or android

Sure, this is for mobile https://www.figma.com/file/rlsJZJ0ggGdXEkD5MGl1Ib/[IOS]-UIKit-Master-v.1.6.0-(Copy)?node-id=0%3A1&t=TW2PuwNzPoa48WeE-1 :pray:

Thank you so much guys. Once last request can you please also share with us the figma file for the video broadcasting feature

Hello guys! this thread is great, but where I can find the latest figma file? it would be great to have in the official docs.

Thank you @SocialPlus_Support ,


Hello, you can download the updated ones from here:

thank you, but I don’t see the video experience in the figma kit… is there any other figma file for the video stream experience? @SocialPlus_Support

Hello , @abe Let me pass to check with my team and I’ll back to you. :slight_smile:

Hello, @abe

Upon reviewing, We apologize for the inconvenience, but we don’t have
the information you’re looking for.

Best Regard

Support Team