Update displayName on all channels

i want to sync username data in my app with amity displayName. how to do that?
is the api update user will be able to update all the user displayName on all channels?

Hello @lana, updating a user’s display name should reflect across all channels. Please let us know if you encounter any issues.

Update user API: Amity API

@SocialPlus_Support thanks for the information. But i got this error return

    "status": "error",
    "message": "You are not allowed to do this",
    "code": 400301,
    "data": {
        "detail": {}

is the token different from the v4/sessions because i usually use that token to get all the users and send message. or this one v4/authentication/token ?

Hello @lana, if you’re using the current user’s token, please check and update the configuration to ensure that users are allowed to update their display name.

API to get user token: Amity API
API to check displayname configuration: Amity API

ahh i see now, i got wrong id for the user. thanks a lot.