I tried to update the avatar from example app downloaded from Github but once completed the avatar URL always null, there are 2 methods I used to retrieve the user’s avatar URL:
Hi @hoang.nguyen92dn , thank you for the inquiry.
We’ve tried on the latest SDK version (EkoSDK 4.7.2), and it the avatar result was successfully updated to the user.
We’re using this function :
What’s the version that you’re experiencing the issue, and how’s your update a user’s avatar?
Thank you.
I tried to update the avatar from your example app on Github then retrieve the user’s avatar from my application to display the image but as I mentioned above, both methods don’t work for me.
Hi @hoang.nguyen92dn , may we ask a question?
Which version of SDK are you using?
Thank you.
FYI: The SDK version I am using on my application is 4.8.0
. I also tried to downgrade to 4.7.2
but it still doesn’t work.
April 29, 2021, 2:20am
Me too, cause the same problem
the image URL from EkoMessage.getData().getUser().getAvatar().getUrl() always null.
but this case work fine
EkoClient.getCurrentUser().subscribe {
but I want to get avatar of the user from ekomessage too
I use the 4.7.2 version
Hi @hoang.nguyen92dn @naphat ,
It happens to be an issue on our SDK, we will provide a fix in the next upcoming version.
For workaround you may use :
val userId = message.getUser().getUserId()
.map { it.getAvatar().getUrl() }
.subscribe { avatarUrl →
We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
April 29, 2021, 7:30am
thanks for your reply, I use the same code as my old version this used to be good but now it always 401 error
EkoClient.getCurrentUser().subscribe {
val picasso = Picasso.Builder(this).downloader(OkHttp3Downloader(ekoOkHttpClient)).build()
Same here. I am using Glide and the app was able to display the images yesterday.
Hi @naphat @hoang.nguyen92dn ,
Noted the information and sorry for the inconvenience.
We’re working on the fix and update you again.
Thank you.