how can i see all users posts that i followed which is related to community. i mean, i want to see in my feed posts that my followed users posted to another cmmunities
Hello, as per our product design, posts from users you follow and communities you’ve joined will automatically appear in your global feed. This means that if someone posts in a community you’re a member of, their posts will show up on your feed. If you want to filter out posts from other users and only see posts from the users you’re following, you will need to customize this on your frontend. You can verify your follow status with those users and filter out other posts accordingly. Please refer to the documentation below for more details.
Get Connection Status and Connection Counter: Get Connection Status and Connection Counter | Amity Docs
Global Feed documentation: Global Feed.
i don’t followed to community but followed to user. user posted post to community. do i see it on my feed?
If that’s the case, you should be able to fetch their communities’ posts by using the solution we suggested in option #2 here: Community posts in my profile screen - #2 by amitysupport
i want to show post of all users which i followed. there my be thounds of users
Unfortunately, if you want to fetch posts made by other users in communities, that’s the only option available at the moment.