Web + UI kit

How do solve these errors?

  1. Warning for ‘forwardRef’ & maxRows & key
  2. Websocket error
    client.min.js:31 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://sse.https//api.us.amity.co.amity.co:443/mqtt’ failed:
    Please find below screenshot for reference:

Hi @Sowmya May I confirm that are you implementing the Real Time Event? Also, can you please provide the relevant code, steps to reproduce and the expected results ?

Overview of the issue.
We are trying to use Amity UIKIT as uikit is available only for react, we have created a wrapper inside our Angular application. UI feed is up running but getting the above warnings in our console.


export const ReactToAg: React.FC = (props) => {

const ref = useRef(null);
const handleConnect = () => ref.current.connect();
const handleDisconnect = () => ref.current.disconnect();
const handleConnected = () => console.log(‘connected’);
const handleDisconnected = () => console.log(‘disconnected’);

return (

displayName={props.displayName || props.userId}



@Sowmya can you please double check if you are still receiving mqtt failed error? also, can you please share the exact time when the errors happened?

Mttq failing error is happening every time I try to run the application.
If required exact timing would be 11.16 am CST

@Sowmya when it fails, is the app still running ? or crash?

@SocialPlus_Support app still runs, but we see these errors in our console.

How do I get rid of the remaining errors such as maxRows & key apart from the webSocket issue?

Hi @Sowmya I have passed the info and code to our dev team, they will investigate on these issues and I will keep you posted on its progress. Sorry for the inconvenience :pray:

Hi @Sowmya fyi, the team is working on this and aiming to release the fix in next release, we will inform you again once it’s released :pray:

@SocialPlus_Support, Thanks for the update, was the dev team able to replicate the issue?
What is the estimated time of release? So that we can plan our releases accordingly.

@Sowmya yes, we’re able to replicate this issue as well, and the estimated time will be about 2 weeks :pray:

Hi @Sowmya we have released the fixed for this issue, thank you :blush::pray:

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WebSocket issue still persists for the latest OSS version of Web UI Kit. What was the issue back then? Is there anything we can do on the app side to fix it?

Hi @anton can you please share the screenshot of the error you receive? is it exactly the same as the error above?

Hi, sorry, false alarm, the issue was because of incorrect WS URL. UI Kit package doesn’t expose ApiRegion and ApiEndpoint constants, so I had to hardcode it, but didn’t know exact values that provider expects. ApiEndpoint was correct, but the region was incorrect. After fixing the region it connects successfully.

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