I am having an issue with the LiveCollection. I tried to implement everything that is stated on the documentation, including the requirement to retain the AmityNotificationToken. But, when I try to send a message to an iOS client, the observe block is not getting called. Could you help me with this?
It used to work fine for iOS SDK version 5. But when I upgraded to iOS SDK 6, it is not working anymore. Here is the snippet of the code.
-- ** AmitySDK Version: 6.41.0 Build: 1 ** --
public class ChatChannelRepository {
private var client: AmityClient
private var repository: AmityChannelRepository
private var collection: AmityCollection<AmityChannel>?
private var token: AmityNotificationToken?
init(client: AmityClient) {
self.client = client
self.repository = AmityChannelRepository(client: client)
public func getChannels(observer: @escaping ([AmityChannel]) -> Void) {
let query = AmityChannelQuery()
query.types = [AmityChannelQueryType.community]
query.filter = .userIsMember
query.includeDeleted = false
self.collection = repository.getChannels(with: query)
self.token = self.collection?.observe({ collection, change, error in
if error == nil {
@SocialPlus_Support @AmityAsk @cijin This is also an issue with the Message Repository. Observe block is not getting called once a message is received.
public class ChatMessageRepository {
var client : AmityClient
var repository : AmityMessageRepository
var channelId : String
var collection : AmityCollection<AmityMessage>?
var token : AmityNotificationToken?
var messages : [AmityMessage]?
init(client: AmityClient, channelId : String) {
self.client = client
self.repository = AmityMessageRepository(client: self.client)
self.channelId = channelId
public func getMessages(observer: @escaping ([AmityMessage], String) -> Void) {
let query = AmityMessageQueryOptions(subChannelId: self.channelId, messageParentFilter: .noParent, sortOption: .lastCreated)
self.repository = AmityMessageRepository(client: self.client)
self.collection = repository.getMessages(options: query)
self.token = self.collection?.observe({ collection, change, error in
if collection.dataStatus == .fresh {
observer(collection.snapshots, self.channelId)
For this issue, we need more information to proceed with further checks. Could you please provide server region ?
@amitysupport Server Region is US.
@SocialPlus_Support Is it server related or is there something wrong with my implementation?
Hello @EmmanKusumi , Thank you for providing all the necessary information. We have forwarded it to the team for further investigation. We will keep you updated on the progress.
Hello @EmmanKusumi ,
Our team has resolved the issue on our backend. Could you please try again? If the issue still persists, please let me know.
Thank you!
I am still having issues here, but when I switched to the Singapore server, everything is working fine now.
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Hello @EmmanKusumi , We have sent you an email at ekusumi.procuro@outlook.com
to request additional information.
Thank you!!