npm run ios --prefix example
> AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample@0.0.1 iOS
> react-native run-ios
info Found Xcode workspace "AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample.xcworkspace"
info Found booted iPhone 15
info Launching iPhone 15
info Building (using "xcodebuild -workspace AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample.xcworkspace -configuration Debug -scheme AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample -destination id=71A6566D-9BA2-4E09-82C6-BE4DD1C41397")
/Applications/ -workspace AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample.xcworkspace -configuration Debug -scheme AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample -destination id=71A6566D-9BA2-4E09-82C6-BE4DD1C41397
error: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample/Pods-AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample-frameworks-Debug-output-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample' from project 'AmityReactNativeSocialUiKitExample')
Hello @jay , Regarding the issue you encountered, we recommend trying to update the pod version first. If the problem persists, please provide a screen recording of the issue so we can investigate further.
Thank you for getting back to me, I know longer have that error.
I however have a new issue but I cannot create a new topic because the spam filter is preventing me to do.
I hope I am not causing a problem if I use this thread to ask the new question, unfortunately I have a deadline to present this POC if doesn’t work I won’t be able to convince my team to purchase this service.
Here’s my new issue:
In the Admin dashboard there is an option to autogenerate some demo content and demo users, so I did that.
Next I used the userId of one of these auto-generated users to login in the React Native example app, by doing that I am able to successfully make a post to my own timeline. Nice!!
However when trying to create a Story I get the following errors:
If I don’t pick a community to post, I get the following error: 'Failed to find comunity : 667… " (see attachment)
If I pick a community, I get this error: “you are not allowed to do this”
Let me know if/ how it is possible to test the Story functionality using the provided example app.
Thank you!