I’m trying to implement a live streaming React web app. But, I’m not able to start a live stream as there is no such documentation available for starting a live stream.
I’m able to create stream from ASC backend as well as from SDK.
See, If we have a live example of live streaming app for both broadcaster as well as watcher in React.
Hi @Sourabh can I clarify that you only need the live stream app example ? and you don’t have any issues on the implementation part ? I will check if we have the live stream example available and will get back to you on this. Thank you 
Yes only live streaming(camera + video player) React app example. Also, I’m not able to implement it.
@Sourabh We don’t have a ready-to-use react app example right now, however, can you please share with us which part of the implementation that are you struggling with? so our team can help guide you.
I want to integrate both streamer side & broadcaster side to start & watch live stream. See If I you can help me in implementing both.
I also want to know about
Is there any video player or camera inbuilt in web sdk? if Yes please mention if No please mention what can I use
@Sourabh I have double checked with the team, currently, for react(web) you cannot broadcast, but you can only watch (read-only). We would recommend you to use OBS/mobile application instead. Sorry for the misleading