[Web] Live Streaming Overlay

I would like to have an overlay over a live streaming session in which the overlay should be able to:

  • Show an image
  • Show text
  • Able to link to a new page (new tab) after a click

There are two scenarios I would like to question: With UIKit (web) and without UIKit

With UIKit:
If this is not readily available, can this be customizable if I have the source code for the Web UIKit by me?

Without UIKit:
I would assume that I can use ASC as the backend for live streaming and make my own player and overlay, would that be the right approach in this case?

The last question would be: What would be the fastest way to implement this functionality? With or without UIKit?

Thank you.

We don’t currently offer Live Streaming on Web SDK right now but it’s being released soon, so please stay tuned!