I found several issue during using Web UIKit.
I run UIKit using code sandbox https://codesandbox.io/s/tender-http-xd458
username: johnwick2
password: johnwick2
problem that I found
- create channel button did not work
- when I click at channel list instead of switching between channels, its combine all message between each channel instead
I have attached a dependencies list that I am using with this article.
Hello @au_thanakorn
- create channel button did not work
= There should be onAddNewChannel
callback and amityCreateNewChat
callback , please see the sample code below
import {
} from "@amityco/ui-kit";
// ...
<AmityUiKitChat onAddNewChannel={
() => amityCreateNewChat({ userIds: ['Web-Test'], isDirectChat: false, chatName: 'test'})
- when I click at channel list instead of switching between channels, its combine all message between each channel instead
= We have fixed this issue, and we’re aiming to release the fix by the end of next week.
Kindly let us know if you have further questions, thank you 

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Hello @au_thanakorn fyi, we have released the fix for this issue, thank you.