Our chat use case require us to keep the user tracked with +300 channels and maybe even more in the future. So for that, We’ve implemented the unread count using the Channel Participation docs page.
But the problem is the user’s client-side has to make +300 api calls at the same time, Since everytime I run const liveObject = ChannelRepository.getChannel('channelId'); there’s an api to make!
Which just does not feel right does it? Sometimes I even get the ASCError: ASCWebSDK: RateLimit Exceed error!!
Is there any elegant solution for this? Like a webhook or something.
I appreciate any help. Thanks!
with the Web js SDK! basically I need to get the unread msgs for ~300 channels for this UI to work, otherwise it is not a good UX and its not even usable.
Hey @SocialPlus_Support Unfortunately, pagination is also not possible. I wish I could do that.
I really appreciate the help if you have other solutions; This issue currently is the decider whether we go with Amity or not! It’s really annoying, the SDK works nicely for us for everything else.
Thanks alot. I absolutely loved the Chat SDK. If this feature somehow become available in this SDK would you please ping me here; I’d definitely come back to it.