How to clear customAvatartUrl for user?

Hi @SocialPlus_Support

I am trying to clear customAvatarUrl of a user through Amity API But it ignore null value and also not accepting empty value. Can you guide how to clear the customAvatarUrl?

  "status": "error",
  "message": "Parameters validation error!",
  "code": 500000,
  "data": {
    "detail": [
      "The 'avatarCustomUrl' field must not be empty."


Hello, let us pass to the team to confirm this for you. Thank you.

@SocialPlus_Support any update on it?

Hello @muhammad.nasir.ext , Our team is currently working on your issue. We will update you as soon as we have more information.

Hello @muhammad.nasir.ext, we have identified the root cause of the issue. Our team is currently working on a solution, and we aim to release the fix by early next week.

@SocialPlus_Support thanks for the update. looking forward to it :slight_smile:

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Hello @muhammad.nasir.ext We have resolved the issue you reported. Could you please check again and confirm if everything is now working correctly?