This feature need formy chat application when user tap on recent chat and when he/she enters then unread count should be zero when i come back from chat screen
My Amity-uikit version is 2.34.0
This feature need formy chat application when user tap on recent chat and when he/she enters then unread count should be zero when i come back from chat screen
My Amity-uikit version is 2.34.0
Please reply me sir/ma’am.
Hello @akshayg.stacksum please see the related docs here: Unread Count - Amity Docs
But while i am using this it’s showing startUnreadCountSyncing is undefined so i have a question that do i need to add the core sdk as well with 6.6.0 version
Yes, you will have to update the version, referring to the changelogs here: Android - Amity Docs ,
do i need to use
implementation ‘com.github.AmityCo.Amity-Social-Cloud-UIKit-Android:amity-uikit:2.34.0’
both ?
after adding second sdk then my existing AmityMessageAdapter were undefined
We apologize for the confusion in our previous response. As the unread count feature is still in beta testing, please update to version beta 6.6.0 to access it. Kindly let us know if you face any issues, thank you.
Once i used the
then my Timber.d(“Test”) got undefined why?
Now this after using
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No interface method insertFcmToken(Ljava/lang/String;)Lio/reactivex/Completable; in class Lcom/amity/socialcloud/sdk/push/EkoPushContract; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.amity.socialcloud.sdk.push.EkoPushContract' appears in /data/app/~~a5YX-iJd54ZgRmmw41IiKw==/
Hello, could you please update your uikit version to 3.x as well, it is more compatible with SDK version 6.x.x
Link to our Android open-source releases: Releases · AmityCo/Amity-Social-Cloud-UIKit-Android-OpenSource · GitHub
Also, in order to use our push notification, you will also have to install this
Please let us know if you have further questions, thank you.