Unread Count is getting wrong

Hi, there is an issue while getting unread count for a user in IOS UI KIT,
there is not unread count on channel list, but getting total unread count is 4
below is snap shot of chat list and also code:

var disposeBag: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
        appDelegate.client?.getUserUnread().sink(receiveValue: { userUnread in
                print("User's total unread count: \(userUnread.unreadCount)")
                print("User's mentioned status: \(userUnread.isMentioned)")
            CustomUserDefaultManager.setUnReadMessageCount(count: (userUnread.unreadCount))
            DispatchQueue.main.async {

            }).store(in: &disposeBag)
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Hello, may I know your current uikit version, please?

we are using latest uikit, version 3.19.0

we have download code from this git repo:

@vibhorMaheshwari Thank you for the information you’ve provided. Let me pass this to our team for further review.

@vibhorMaheshwari For your issue, we recommend updating your UIKit to the latest version. You can do this by checking the following link: https://docs.amity.co/amity-uikit/changelogs/changelog#version-3.20.0-2024-03-06

after updating UIKIT to latest version (3.20.0) issue hi same, here you can see below on chat list there is 1 count, but on total count unread we are getting 7.

Below is snap shot when we update UIKIT version:

@vibhorMaheshwari Let me pass this along to check with my team.

Hello @vibhorMaheshwari, please refer to this migration guide for updating unread count functionality: SDK v6.26.0 Unread Count Migration Guide | Amity Docs

still not working, now count for each channel does not show any count.

for displaying unread count for each channel we are using this code:

        badgeView.badge = channel.object.subChannelsUnreadCount

@vibhorMaheshwari Let me pass this on to check with my team.

Hello, could you please verify that the following steps have been fully executed?

Follow the documentation:

Initialization steps:

  • Initialize AmityClient and call enableUnreadCount()
  • Execute syncUnreadCount()
  • Upon entering the message list screen, invoke AmitySubChannelRepository.startMessageReceiptSync()
  • Use message.markRead() to mark messages as read

Note: Please ensure to remove all the previous code.

We follow your steps but still not getting unread counts on channel list, please see below step wise code.

1- Initialize AmityClient and call enableUnreadCount()

 do {
            client = try AmityClient(apiKey: Constants.amitAppKey, region: .US)
        catch {


2- then after login user we called this method

 let client : AmityClient? = appDelegate.client


3- In AmityMessageListViewController

public override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        AmityKeyboardService.shared.delegate = self
        screenViewModel.startReading()      // highlight this line
        bottomConstraint.constant = .zero

	func startReading() {
	        //membershipParticipation?.startReading(subChannelId: subChannelId)
	        // Start message receipt sync when user enters chat screen
	        Task {
	            do {
	                try await subChannelRepository?.startMessageReceiptSync(subChannelId: subChannelId)
	            } catch {
	                // Handle error

4- for mark message as read we called

func send(withText text: String?) {
        let textMessage = text?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) ?? ""
        guard !textMessage.isEmpty else {
        let createOptioins = AmityTextMessageCreateOptions(subChannelId: subChannelId, text: textMessage)
        messageRepository.createTextMessage(options: createOptioins) { [weak self] message,_ in
            self?.text = ""
            message?.markRead()  // highlight this line
            self?.delegate?.screenViewModelEvents(for: .didSendText)
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@vibhorMaheshwari Thank you for the information provided. I will pass this on to the team for review.

@vibhorMaheshwari From the investigation, we recommend changing Step 3 and 4 as follows:

For Step 3, try this instead.


    init(channelId: String, subChannelId: String) {
        self.channelId = channelId
        self.subChannelId = subChannelId
        membershipParticipation = AmityChannelParticipation(client: AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client, andChannel: channelId)
        channelRepository = AmityChannelRepository(client: AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client)
        messageRepository = AmityMessageRepository(client: AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client)
        subChannelRepository = AmitySubChannelRepository(client:  AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client)
        Task {
            do {
                try await subChannelRepository.startMessageReceiptSync(subChannelId: subChannelId)
            } catch {
                // Handle error

And for Step 4, try this instead.

    func startReading() {
        guard let latestMessage = messagesCollection?.object(at: 0) else { return }
        print(">>>>>>markRead: \(latestMessage.data!["text"])")
//        membershipParticipation?.startReading(subChannelId: subChannelId)

we changed according to you but its same , not getting channel list count , its printing

>>>>>>markRead: Optional(Test again)

for point 3 updated code is below

init(channelId: String, subChannelId: String) {
        self.channelId = channelId
        self.subChannelId = subChannelId
        membershipParticipation = AmityChannelParticipation(client: AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client, andChannel: channelId)
        channelRepository = AmityChannelRepository(client: AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client)
        messageRepository = AmityMessageRepository(client: AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client)
        subChannelRepository = AmitySubChannelRepository(client: AmityUIKitManagerInternal.shared.client)
        Task {
            do {
                try await subChannelRepository?.startMessageReceiptSync(subChannelId: subChannelId)
            } catch {
                // Handle error

and for point 4 :

func startReading() {
        guard let latestMessage = messagesCollection?.object(at: 0) else { return }
                print(">>>>>>markRead: \(latestMessage.data!["text"])")

Could you kindly check the code below and compare to your current code:

public struct AmityChannelModel {
    let channelId: String
    let displayName: String
    let memberCount: Int
    let unreadCount: Int

    let avatarURL: String
    let lastActivity: Date
    let channelType: AmityChannelType
    let avatarFileId: String?
    let participation: AmityChannelParticipation
    let metadata: [String:Any]
    let object: AmityChannel
    init(object: AmityChannel) {
        self.channelId = object.channelId
        self.avatarURL = object.getAvatarInfo()?.fileURL ?? ""
        self.displayName = (object.displayName ?? "") == "" ? AmityLocalizedStringSet.General.anonymous.localizedString : object.displayName!
        self.memberCount = object.memberCount
        >>>>>>>PLEASE USE THIS
        self.unreadCount = object.subChannelsUnreadCount
        self.lastActivity = object.lastActivity ?? Date()
        self.participation = object.participation
        self.channelType = object.channelType
        self.avatarFileId = object.getAvatarInfo()?.fileURL
        self.metadata = object.metadata ?? [:]
        self.object = object

all this code is already in our code, please check code snap below:

is that possible to fix this issue by accessing our system remotely? if yes then please schedule a session for this, actually we are ready to make our app live and we are stuck on this.

After reviewing your code snippet, we recommend that you update the code on line 30 with the following:

self.unreadCount = object.subChannelsUnreadCount

still not working

@vibhorMaheshwari Please refer to the sample project provided by our team, where the unread count feature is functional. You can use it as a guide for implementation.